Today in literary history!
Jun. 12

bulletCharles Kingsley (Westward Ho!) was born on this day in 1819
bulletSwiss children's author Johanna Spyri (best known for Heidi) was born on this day in 1827
bulletDave Berg, Mad magazine cartoonist for 40 years, was born on this day in 1920
bulletRona Jaffe (The Best of Everything, Mazes and Monsters) was born on this day in 1931
bulletAnne Frank (The Diary of a Young Girl) received a diary for her thirteenth birthday on this day in 1942. In it she would record her harrowing experience of hiding from the Nazis for over two years.
bulletTess Gerritsen (RITA Award winner The Surgeon, Nero Award winner Vanish) was born on this day in 1953. A physician, she is perhaps best known for her medical thrillers.
bulletCanadian writer and convicted criminal Stephen Reid (Jack Rabbit Parole) died on this day in 2018. While serving his first sentence, he submitted his first manuscript to Waterloo University writer-in-residence Susan Musgrave, with whom he established an ongoing correspondence and eventually married while still in prison. Paroled in 1987, he taught creative writing at Camosun College, but substance abuse issues evolved and he committed another bank robbery in 1999, for which he received an 18 year sentence. He would go on to win the 2013 Victoria Book Award for his second work, A Crowbar in the Buddhist Garden: Writing from Prison.

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